Private English Class with Giamo

Friday, July 31, 2020

ESL Grammar: Phrasal Verb with Put

Phrasal Verbs with Put 

1. Put off - to do something later 
2. Put up with - to tolerate 
3. Put down - to insult or make fun of 
4. Put on - to dress oneself 
5. Put up - to erect 
6. Put across - to communicate something 
7. Put out - to publish something 
8. Put back - to put something where it was previously 

Phrasal Verb Exercise 

1. I can't ________ her anymore, she is so annoying! 

A. put up with | B. put back | C. put on 

2. Please ________ my laptop in my room when you are finished with it. 

A. put on | B. put back | C. put down 

3. Can we ________ our lesson until tomorrow? 

A. put up | B. put down | C. put off 

4. She _______ all the time I don't know why I still talk to her. 

A. puts me up | B. puts me down | C. puts me across 

5. My teacher  ______ a new article on his blog every week. It's really good. 

A. put up with | B. put off | C. put out 

6. She was trying to ________ her point of view, but the men in the room wouldn't listen. 

A. put across | B. put with | C. put back 

7. I always ________ black clothes when I go to parties. 

A. put away | B. put on | C. put up 

8. They couldn't ______ the tent. It might be broken. 

A. put up with | B. put out | C. put up 

Phrasal Verb Conversation 

1. What type of clothes do you like to put on when you go to a party? 

2. How do you feel when someone tries to put you down? 

3. Have you ever had to put up with an annoying classmate? 

4. Do you like to put out your  pictures on social media ? 

5. Have you ever put up a tent before? 

6. Do you usually put off your homework until the last minute? 

Monday, July 27, 2020

ESL Conversation Questions: Pleasure

1. What is pleasure? 

2. What are different types of pleasure people desire? 

3. In general should people try to achieve the greatest amount of pleasure that we can? 

4. What is restraint? 

5. Why do people restrain themselves from pleasure? 

6. What would a pleasurable vacation look like for you? 

ESL Vocabulary: Life in Colombia

1. Unique - adjective - being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else 

2. Genre - noun - a category of music, movies, literature,  etc. 

3. Represent - verb - to describe or depict something or someone in a particular way 

4. Open Up Doors - expression - to give special opportunities to someone

5. Dating - noun/adjective - to go out with someone that you are romantically interested in 

6. Spectacular - adjective - beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Idiom of the Day: Go With The Flow

Idiom of the Day 

go with the flow 

Example: To me it doesn't matter where we go for dinner. I'll just go with the flow and let everyone else decide. 

Definition: to be flexible and not try to change what is happening 

ESL Vocabulary: Interview with Alessandra

1. Appreciate  - verb - recognize the full worth of something or someone 

2. Characterize - verb - to describe a specific quality about someone or something 

3. Conception - noun - forming or devising of a plan or idea 

4. Accent - noun - distinctive way of pronunciation of a language 

5. Strangers - noun -  a person whom one does not know or with whom is not familiar 

6. South American - adjective - characteristic of South America or its inhabitants 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

ESL Vocabulary: Life in Brazil

1. Intend - verb - to have a plan or objective 

2. Seldom - adverb - not often; rarely 

3. Criminal - noun - a person who has committed a crime 

4. Overcrowded - adjective - to fill a space beyond what is comfortable, safe , or permissible 

5. Daily Basis - noun phrase - refers to everyday life, normal or usual behavior, activity, routine or schedule

6. Disadvantaged - adjective - in an unfavorable or bad position or circumstance 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

ESL Vocabulary: Life in Guatemala

1. Indigenous - noun - originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native

2. Architecture - noun - the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings 

3. Photogenic - adjective - looking attractive in photographs or films

4. Vital - adjective - absolutely necessary or important; essential 

5. Beverage -  noun - a drink, especially one other than water 

6. Stunning - adjective - extremely impressive or attractive 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Life in Guatemala: Interview with Monica

What do you think is interesting about your culture in Guatemala? 

One of the interesting things about Guatemala is that Spanish is the official language and the most widely spoken, but there are many other languages used in the country. 

There are 21 indigenous Mayan communities and each one has its own language. 

Another interesting aspect of Guatemala is the terrain. There are 37 volcanoes and 3 of them, which are called Fuego, Pacaya and Santiaguito, are active. 

What's your favorite city to visit in Guatemala? 

My favorite city to visit is Antigua. It was the capital of the country until 1773, but now it is mostly known for the colonial architecture and scenic views. 

I like this city because it is very photogenic and there are many stores,  restaurants, hotels and  cafes on every corner. 

Antigua has many fun activities to participate in such as salsa lessons, museum tours and club hopping in the nighttime. 

How would  you describe Guatemalan fashion? 

Well people typically wear modern clothes just like you would see in any other country. However some indigenous people still wear their traditional clothes.  

One of the most popular traditional garments  from Guatemala is called traje. A woman's traje includes a blouse, skirt, headscarf, shawl and other pieces.

For many indigenous people, the traje is more than just traditional clothing, but it is a vital reminder of their history, culture and connection with nature.  

What's your favorite part of Guatemalan history? 

My favorite part about the history of my country is the Mayan civilization. They ruled for a very long time and many historians have said that they were a very intelligent and advanced ancient community. 

What do you like to do with your friends in your free time? 

I like to go on road trips with my friends or just hang out eating something, having a picnic or even cooking. 

During the day I enjoy having long conversations with my friends while drinking coffee. At night we usually go out and dance and drink alcoholic beverages. 

Where's the best place to go for a romantic date in your country? 

There are many places to go for a date in Guatemala. Going to the beach can be romantic or walking through the stunning  architecture of Antigua is a great way to spend time with someone you like or love. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

ESL Grammar: Would

Forms of Would 


Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb

Example: I would watch a movie with her. 


Subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb 

Example: She would not do her homework. 


Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb

Example: Would you leave please? 

Uses of Would

1. Would expresses a type of past tense of will or going to.  I thought she would come, so I bought some extra candy. 

2. Would expresses something that has not happened in the past at the time we are talking about. In Brazil he met the woman he would one day marry. 

3. Would is used in the second and third conditional sentences. If an American man marries his cousin he would go to jail. If I had won the lottery I would have partied every night. 

Note: Would can also express desire, polite requests and questions, opinion or hope, wish and regret 

Would You Rather Exercise 

1. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early? 

2. Would you rather be an average person in the present or be a king or queen 2500 years ago? 

3. Would you rather your only form of transportation be a giraffe or a donkey?

4. Would you rather live on the beach or live in a cabin in the forest? 

5. Would you rather give up bathing for a month or give up internet for a month? 

6. Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with five million dollars inside? 

Friday, July 17, 2020

Idiom of the Day: Jump The Gun

Idiom of the Day 

jump the gun  

Example: Victor really jumped the gun  with his project proposal. He should have waited until the other proposal was either accepted or rejected.

Definition - to do something before the right time or prematurely 

ESL Conversation Questions: Food

1. Is there a dish that gives you a sense of nostalgia when you eat it?  

2. Should unhealthy restaurants such as McDonald's be banned? 

3. How do you feel about factory farming? 

4. What are some of the benefits of organic food? 

5. What's your favorite dish to cook ? 

6. Should food be free? 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

ESL Conversation Questions: Globalization

1. What is globalization? 

2. What are the benefits of globalization? 

3. What are the negatives of globalization?
4.  How do you feel about companies outsourcing jobs?  

5. In what way can globalization affect a country's culture? 

6. If you started a business in another country, which country would you choose? 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

ESL Vocabulary: Giamo's Community Thoughts

ESL Vocabulary: Community

1. Community - noun - a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common

2. Collaborate - verb - work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something

3. Camaraderie - noun - mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together 

4. Volunteer - noun - a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task 

5. Socialize - verb - participate in social activities; mix socially with others

6. Eccentric - adjective - unconventional and slightly strange 

ESL Conversation Questions: Glory

1. What is glory? 

2. What do people glorify in life? 

3. How can receiving glory from other people affect someone?

4. What does the term "glory days" mean? 

5. Is there a profession that you think is over-glorified? 

6.  Why is war glorified in some movies and books? 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

ESL Conversation Questions: Motivation

1. What is motivation?
2. What are some universal motivating factors everyone shares? 

3. How do people maintain motivation in life? 

4. Are motivational speeches effective? Why or Why not? 

5. How are you best motivated? 

6. How can failure affect someone's motivation? 

Motivational Speaking Exercise 

Instructions: Read the negative experience. After reading, create the same experience but only focus on the positive. 

Example: I cried last night, because I only got a B in my anatomy class. 
Answer: I was fortunate enough to pass my anatomy class. 

1. I lied to my parents and moved to Panama to live with my girlfriend. But after three months I broke up with my girlfriend and moved to Atlanta. 

2. Recently I got into an argument with my sister. I haven't spoken with her in weeks. I have had a lot of time by myself to reflect. 

3. I started working out last week. My body feels really tired and sore. I forgot how hard working out can be. 

4. I posted a new video on Youtube the other day. In the video I made fun of my friend. We don't talk as much anymore ever since she got a new boyfriend. 

Idiom of the Day: Spill the beans

Idiom of the Day 

spill the beans 

Example: I never tell Jimmy about any surprise parties, because he always spills the beans about everything. 

Definition: to give away private information; tell a secret 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

ESL Vocabulary: Gentrification

1. Residents - noun - a person who lives somewhere permanently or for a long term basis

2. Switch - verb - change position, direction or focus of 

3. Landlord - noun - a person who rents land, a building or an apartment to a tenant 

4. Inexpensive - adjective - not costing much; cheap

5. Nightlife - social activities or entertainment available at night in a town or city 

6. Afford - verb - have enough money to pay for 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Giamo's Thoughts: Gentrification

What is gentrification? 

Gentrification is a process when local residents are forced to move out of their community. 

The reason these local residents have to move is because of an influx in more affluent residents and businesses within the community. 

Different parts of the neighborhood such as restaurants, grocery stores, housing, taxes, insurance and other things become too expensive for the local residents to afford. 

How can gentrification negatively affect people? 

There are many negative affects of gentrification such as people losing their homes, businesses having to close and children having to switch schools. 

Another negative affect of gentrification is losing the traditions and customs of the local community. When new and more affluent residents move into an area they often replace the traditions of the past with their own style. 

Who does gentrification benefit? 

The people that benefit from the process of gentrification are landlords, owners of constructions companies, members of local government and the affluent residents. 

Once the process is completed, the property value of that community will increase and allow for the local government to tax the residents at higher rates. 

Overall, the community will have improved parks, schools, roads, grocery stores because there will be more money entering into the community. 

Is gentrification a problem? 

Yes, gentrification is a problem because of the pain and suffering it can cause a lot of people who have lower incomes. 

For people who are forced to re-locate it can cause financial, emotional and in some situations physical damages. 

If you had to move to a new community or city where would you move? 

I would want to move to Sosua in the Dominican Republic. The climate is tropical and there are many beautiful people I would like to meet.  

More importantly the cost of living in Sosua is very inexpensive. The average monthly cost of a single bedroom apartment is around USD $250. 

Do you see gentrification happening in your community or city? 

In Miami there is a lot of gentrification that has already happened and still happening today.

 For example there is a community named Wynwood in Miami  that has two blocks of expensive restaurants and exciting nightlife, but the rest of the community is surrounded by homeless or low income people. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

ESL Grammar: Must, Have To, Have Got To

Forms of Must, Have To, Have Got To


Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb 

Example: She must return to her country. They have to start university. We have got to practice harder. 

Negative ( For Must) 

Subject +  auxiliary verb + not + main verb 

Example: I must not act rashly. 


Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb 

Example: Must we leave tomorrow? Do they have to go to school today? 

Uses of Must, Have To, Have Got To 

1. These modal verbs are used to express legal obligation and/or a sense of urgency. You must act now. You have to act now. You have got to act now. 

Note: Avoid using must for personal obligations. It sounds very official and is too strong for most situations. 

Have To and Have Got To Exercise: Fill in the blanks with words that describe personal obligations

1. After class, I must __________ . 

2. This weekend, I have to _____________ . 

3. Before the next class, we've got to _________________ . 

4. Every day I have to ________________ . 

5. Once a month, I've got to ____________________ . 

6. When I'm not sure of the spelling of a word, I have to ___________________ . 

7. Before I go to sleep at night, I have to __________________ . 

8. A few times a year, I must  _____________________ . 

9. My English isn't perfect. I have to __________________ . 

10. Before I take a test, I've got to ____________________ . 

Saturday, July 4, 2020

ESL Grammar: Gerunds and Infinitives

What are Gerunds and Infinitives?

A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding "ing". 

An infinitive is the "to" form of the verb. 

When to use Gerunds or Infinitives? 

Gerunds are often used when actions are fixed, real, or completed.  I enjoy running. 

Infinitives are often used when actions are unreal, abstract or future.  She wants to bake a cake. 

Explain the Difference 

I remembered to take my coat. 

I remember taking my coat. 

Gerunds and Infinitives Exercise 

1. I often go _______ on a Saturday night. ( A. Dancing  B. To Dance ) 

2. When I finish ______ this letter, I'll come and help you.  ( A. Writing B. To Write ) 

3. I am planning _______ a new laptop soon. ( A. Buying B. To Buy)

4. I need ______ at least eight hours a night.  (A. Sleeping B. To Sleep) 

5. I want  ______ to London next year. (A. Moving B. To Move) 

6. Would you consider _______ the speech at our anniversary party? (A. Giving B. To Give) 

7. She avoids ______ in the rain. (A. Walking B. To Walk) 

8. Emily promised ________ all her vegetables. (A. Eating B. To Eat) 

9. I don't mind ______ if you don't want to. (A. Calling B. To Call) 

10. You need to practice ______ (A. Listening B. To Listen) 

ESL Vocabulary: Giamo's Gender Role Thoughts

ESL Vocabulary: Gender Roles 

1. Misogyny - noun - dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women 

2. Superior - adjective - higher in rank, status or quality 

3. Patriarchal - adjective - a system of society or government where the men hold the power 

4. Elderly - adjective - an old or aging person 

5. Athlete - noun - a person who is good in sports and other forms of physical exercise 

6. Traditional - adjective - existing in or as part of a tradition; long established

Idiom of the Day: Out of Pocket

Idiom of the Day 

out of pocket 

Example: I felt like it was out of pocket for Mary to insult her sister so harshly. 

Definition: to say or do something that is inappropriate