Private English Class with Giamo

Thursday, June 28, 2018

ESL Grammar: Present Perfect

Forming the Present Perfect


Subject    +   auxiliary verb   + past participle

Example: She has gone to the movies.


Subject    +    auxiliary verb    +    not   +    past participle

Example: They have not eaten yet.


Auxiliary verb   +   subject    +    past participle

Example: Have you finished your homework?

Uses of Present Perfect

1. We use the present perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. I have seen that movie 10 times. I have met her once before. 

2. We often use the present perfect to talk about change that has happened over a period of time. They have grown since the last time I saw them. The government has spent more money on the military over the past 50 years than any other department. 

3. We often use the present perfect to list the accomplishments of individual people and humanity. Kobe Bryant has won 5 NBA championship rings. Man has walked on the moon. 

4. We often use the present perfect for an uncompleted action that we expect to happen, but has't been completed yet. The present perfect suggests we are waiting for the action to be completed. Maria has not returned from her job yet. I still have not mastered Spanish yet. 

5. The present perfect can talk about several different actions which have occurred in the past at different times. Possible suggestion that more actions can continue to happen. I have had three tests so far this semester. Khole Kardashian has dated 4 famous people in her life so far. 

Present Perfect Exercises 

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the verb given in the present perfect tense. 

1. I ___ ____(to travel) to many countries in Latin America.
2. They ___ ____(to be) outside all day.
3. We ___ ____ (to walk ) to that movie theater several times.
4. He ___ ____ (to read) the book already.
5. You ____ ____ (to talk) to Megan a lot lately. 

Instructions: Make the sentence negative 

1. I have cheated on Sara before.
2. She has gone to the movies with Rodrigo.
3. We have cried in our apartment several times.

Instructions: Ask your teacher a question with the verbs given in the present perfect tense

1. to travel
2. to drive
3. to drink

Present Perfect Conversation Questions

1. What new English word(s) have you learned so far this month?

2. Who have you travelled with the most?

3. How many times have you seen your favorite film?

4. So far this month , have you talked with anyone from a different nationality than your own? 

5. What is the most exciting thing you have done so far this week?

6. Where have you eaten an American breakfast?

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

ESL Conversation Questions: Culture


1. What is culture?

2. What do you think is interesting about your culture?

3. When people from other countries think about your culture what do they usually think of?

4. What has surprised you when you've met people from other cultures?

5. What are the three things you like most about your culture?

6. What are the three things you like the least about your culture.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

ESL Grammar: Used To

Forming Used To


Subject    +    used to    +   infinitive verb

Example:   He used to dance at parties


Subject   +   Auxiliary Verb    +    not   +    use to    +    infinitive verb

Example: She did not use to go to concerts.


Auxiliary Verb   +    subject    +   use to    +    infinitive verb

Example: Did he use to play basketball?

Uses of Used To

1. shows a habit or custom over a past period of time. This custom no longer exists.

2. It is not for an action that happened once or a few times. 

        1. She used to play basketball.
        2. She called her basketball coach to tell him she was sick.

Used To Conversation Questions

1. What is a food that you used to hate but now you like?

2. Did you use to have a pet?

3. Did your country used to be more conservative?

4. What profession did you used to want to be?

5. What book did you used to like when you were a teenager or child?

6. How many times per week did you used to eat lunch with your family?

Monday, June 25, 2018

ESL Conversation Questions (Transportation in Miami)

ESL Conversation Questions ( Transportation in Miami)

1. Where can the LimeBikes be seen?

2. Why are LimeBikes so popular?

3. Where are the LimeBikes' headquarters?

4. How would you describe the public transportation system in your city?

5. How do you usually get to work or school?

6. Do you think companies like Uber are better than regular taxis?

Sunday, June 24, 2018

ESL Conversation Questions (Positive Ways to Handle Infidelity)

Questions for Positive Ways to Handle Infidelity

1. What are the benefits of monogamy?

2. What are negative ways to react to cheating?

3. What are some ways a cheating partner can regain the trust of a faithful partner?

4. Why do people post their relationship baggage on social media? Is it beneficial?

5. How would you feel if your partner cheated on you?

Saturday, June 23, 2018

English Vocabulary (Positive Ways to Handle Infidelity)

Vocabulary (Positive Ways To Handle Infidelity)  

Monogamous - having a sexual relationship with one person at a time

Infidelity- the action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or other sexual partner

Baggage- an issue regarding someone's past that can affect their current lifestyle and or relationships

Rebound - having sex with someone shortly after getting out of a serious relationship to forget about the former relationship

Affair- when a wife/husband  decides to have sex with someone other than their spouse

Agonizing - causing great physical or mental pain

Hoarding- to hide or store away objects, emotions , money , etc.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Idiom of the Day

Idiom of the Day 

Time after time 

Example: Real Madrid wins the  Champions League time after time. They are the best team in Europe right now. 
Definition: To do something again and again or repeatedly. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Idiom of the Day

Idiom of the Day 

Feel You 

James: I hate our English teacher. 
Andy: I feel you. He's always asking us to speak in English. 
James: He's so annoying. 

Definition: To understand the sentiment of what someone is saying 

ESL Grammar: Present Progressive

Forming Present Progressive 


Subject  +  to be  +  ing verb

Example: He is talking


Subject  +  to be  +  not  +  ing verb

Example: She is not running


To be  +  subject  +  ing verb

Example: Are they eating?

Uses of Present Progressive 

1. to describe an action that is going on at this moment: We are studying the present progressive. I am helping you practice English. 

2. to describe an action that is going during a period of time or trend: Is she still dating Bob? More and more men are wearing longer shirts. 

3. to describe an action or event in the future which has already been planned or prepared: We are going to the movies tomorrow. Are they going to call you tomorrow? 

4. to describe a temporary event or situation: I usually eat Mexican food on Fridays, but tonight I'm eating Italian food. The weather forecast was good, but it's snowing right now. 

Present Progressive Exercises 

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the verb given in the present progressive 

1. He _______ (to go) to the movies with Sara.
2. She ______ (to date) Tommy.
3. We ______(to help) the community by picking up trash.
4. I _______ (to grow) tired of her lies.

Instructions: Make the sentence negative 

1. I am studying to become a doctor.
2. He is drinking beer alone again.  
3. They are trying vegan food tonight.  

Instructions: Ask the teacher a questions using the given verb in the present progressive 

1. to sleep
2. to swim
3. to read

ESL Present Progressive Conversation Questions 

1. What do you think your best friend is doing right now?

2.  Why are you studying English online instead of in a classroom?

3. Are people lying about their lifestyle on social media?

4. Why is the earth's temperature increasing?

5. What TV shows are you watching these days?

6. How are you improving your English?

Monday, June 18, 2018

Idiom of the Day

Idiom of the Day 

To tie the knot 

Example: They tied the knot in a large cathedral near the beach a week ago. 

Definition: to get married

Sunday, June 17, 2018

ESL Conversation Questions (Conscience Conversations in Miami)

Questions for Conscience Conversations in Miami 

1. What do all of the most popular nightclubs have in common?

2. Who hosts Conscience Conversations?

3. Why is it important to have big goals?

4. What would be some of the themes on your vision board?

5. How do you attract positive energy and positive people in your life?

6. Is it common for people to be a vegan in your country?

Saturday, June 16, 2018

ESL Vocabulary (Conscience Conversations)

Vocabulary (Conscience Conversations) 

1. Lulls - calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements

2. Vices - immoral or wicked behavior

3. Network - a group or system of interconnected people or things

4. Conscience - an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior

5. Montage - the process or technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film or pictures to form a continuous whole

6. Ferocious - savagely fierce, cruel, violent

7. Themes - the topic of a piece of writing, a persons's thoughts, or a movie

8. Vegan - a person who does not eat or use animal products

Friday, June 15, 2018

ESL Grammar: Past Progressive

Forms of Past Progressive 


Subject   +   to be   +   ing verb

Example: They were eating apples


Subject   +   to be   +   not   +   ing verb

Example: He was not running last week.


To be   +   subject   +   ing verb

Example: Were you drinking yesterday?

Uses of Past Progressive 

1. Use the past continuous to indicate a longer action in the past was interrupted by a shorter action. I was playing video when my friend called. While we were eating, it started to rain. 

2. Specific time as an interruption. Last night at 7, they were watching a movie. At midnight, she was taking a bath. 

3. When you use the past continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions were happening at the same time. I was walking while listening to music in the park. She was texting her friend, working on homework and eating at the same time.

Past Progressive Exercises 

Instructions: Choose the correct sentence 

1) A. He were running in the street. B. I was shooting the ball.
Which sentence is correct?
2) A. They were dribbling the basketball. B. We was watching the clock.
Which sentence is correct?
3. A. It were going out of bounds. B. She was diving for the basketball.
Which sentence is correct?

Instructions: Make the sentence negative
1) I was dreaming, before I woke up.
2) She was listening to music, eating an apple and writing in her notebook at same time.
3)While my friend talked to Mary, I was drinking beer in the corner of the room.

Instructions: Ask your teacher a question with the verb in the past progressive tense 
1) to jump
2) to hug
3) to cut

ESL Past Progressive Conversation Questions 

Instructions: Answer the question using the past progressive tense. 

1. What were you doing yesterday at 4 pm?

2. What were you thinking about the last time you brushed your teeth?

3. How were you feeling the last time you finished work or school?

4. What music were you listening to the last time you were in the car?

5. What were you doing when you met your best friend?

6. Where were you watching the last World Cup?


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Idiom of the Day

Idiom of the Day 

Upper Hand 

Example: For many years Yahoo was the top search engine, but for the last few years Google has had the upper hand. 

Definition: to have the advantage or be in a stronger position in a contest or conflict 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Idiom of the Day

Idiom of the Day 

Bread and Butter 

Example: Teaching English is my bread and butter. 

Definition: a person's livelihood or main source of income. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Online Teaching Podcast

I’ve been teaching on Cambly for the past three years and I really enjoy it! However, there are some questions and larger conversations that I wish I could have with other online teachers. My goal is to further the conversation and add to the community through this podcast. 

 Teaching on Cambly is as easy as getting out of your bed and sitting in front of your computer, but there are some challenges that come with the job. This podcast is a slightly serious, but more humorous exploration  of different online teaching methodologies, techniques and practices. Hopefully you’ll come along with me on this journey to learn more about how to become an amazing online teacher! 

Idiom of the Day

Idiom of the Day

Find Your Feet

Example: It takes time to find your feet when you move to a new country with a very different culture. 

Definition: adjust to a new place or a new situation

Monday, June 11, 2018

ESL Conversation Questions: Dating

Conversation Questions 


1. Where do you like to go to for a first date? 

2. Who pays on a first date? 

3. How has dating changed from 20 or 30 years ago in your country? 

4. What are some bad things about dating? 

5. What do you like to wear on a first date? 

6. What should you never do on a first date? 

7. Would you ever use an online dating service? 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Idiom of the Day

Idiom of the Day 

Hard to Swallow 

Example: The truth can sometimes be hard to swallow. 

Definition: difficult to believe or accept. 

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Vocabulary (Transportation in Miami)

Vocabulary (Transportation in Miami)

1. Transportation- the action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported

2. Navigate- plan and direct the route or course of a ship, aircraft or other form of transportation by using  some type of map.

3. Revenue - income, amount of money you make.

4. Cul-de-sac - a street or passage closed at one end.

5. Sleek - smooth and glossy

6. Commute - travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis.

7. Disconcerting- causing one to feel unsettled or uncomfortable.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

ESL Conversation Questions: Power

Conversation Questions 

1. What is power? 

2. Is power a good or bad thing? 

3. What would you like the power to be able to do? 

4. Does your country have a lot of power 

5. Do you think money or knowledge is power? 

6. If you had lots of power what would you do with it? 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Idiom of the Day

Idiom of the Day 

Off The Top Of Your Head 

James: Do you know the name of the man to first step on the moon? 
Andy: Well, I can't tell you off the top of my head, but I can search it on Google. 

Definition: from memory; without careful consideration or investigation 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Idiom of the Day

Idiom of the Day 

Up In Arms 

Example: The Brazilian government was up in arms when they discovered the United States was spying on them. 

Definition: to be very angry or to protest something 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Idiom of the Day

Idiom of the Day 

It's written all over your face 

Andy: Who ate my cookies? 
James: I don't know. I wasn't here. 
Andy: Yes, you do. It's written all over your face. 
James: Ok! It was me. 
Andy: That's what I thought. 

Definition: when someone is showing their feelings or thoughts especially from facial expressions 

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Learn From Traveling

Education is critical to advancing in life, whether that be academically or professionally. The way people learn, solve problems and develop mentally can be traced to their education. However, educational systems and methodologies can vary from country to country. 

For example, in Japan most schools do not employ janitors or custodians, but let the students clean their school themselves. Children in Holland start school the day they turn four, which means there’s always someone new in class. Brazilian students will usually leave school around noon, so they can go home and eat lunch with their family. So, it’s very easy to see that education can look very different around the world. 

When most people think about education they usually picture a school building, classroom full of students and a teacher. However, education goes further than a school’s walls. Children learn from the lessons their parents teach them. Teenagers are educated about societal norms and expectations through their friends and social media. Young adults are taught valuable life lessons from managers in jobs and potential romantic partners. As a young adult a lot of my education has come from traveling to different countries in Latin America. 

Comfort Zone 

Traveling can help you grow as person because it forces us to get outside our comfort zone. The comfort zone can include your group of friends, air condition, mother’s cooking, pets, bed, steady internet and so on and so forth. When we are forced to deal with situations that we are not accustomed to we can gain new skills by trying to overcome the challenges. 

Some challenges in traveling include different language, food, customs, manners and so much more. Learning a new way of life can be difficult, because of how your home country molded your thoughts on life. 

For example sometimes it can be difficult for Western women to understand why some women in the Middle East cover themselves completely in black when they go outside. Sometimes it’s difficult for people in Europe to be sensitive to the struggle of race relations in the United States today, because those problems may not exist in their country. 

However, getting out of the comfort zone and overcoming these types of challenges is important because we can gain new skills and appreciation for people in other countries. 


Apart of traveling to different countries is experiencing new languages. For some people this can be the most difficult part of traveling, because of the inability to communicate with others around them. This is why it’s so important to practice common languages such as English, Spanish, French and others. 

Physiological studies have shown  that speaking two or more languages is a great asset to the cognitive process. The brains of bilingual people operate differently than single language speakers and these differences offer several mental advantages such as build multitasking skills, improves memory and listening skills. 

In my own experience I have had to practice my Spanish in real life situations. At times I feel overwhelmed because I did not study Spanish diligently in school, so I do not know all the grammar and different intricacies of the language. However, through perseverance I have gotten to a level of Spanish that I can have a general conversation and have intimate friendships. 

Curiosity and Discovery

Traveling can open your mind to different qualities in life such as food, history and music. Sometimes when people stay in one community they may have a lack of curiosity for what’s beyond their city limits. However, it’s important to turn curiosity into discovery by venturing out into new territory.  

Learning firsthand about different cultures creates a more impactful educational experience. Whether it be for university, a job or personal desire, traveling creates a passion to know and grow more as a human being. 

Vocabulary ( South Beach Fun in Miami)

Vocabulary (South Beach Fun in Miami)

1. Stability - something or someone that is firm or secure

2. Glamorous - attractive or exciting quality that makes certain people or things seem special

3. Participate - to take part in an activity or event

4. Co-ed - sport activities involving both men and women.

5. Pier - a platform supported on pillars leading out from the shore onto a body of water, used as a landing stage for boats

6. Scenic - impressive views or beautiful natural scenery

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Idiom of the Day

Idiom of the Day 

Take A Shot

Example: James doesn't speak a lot of Spanish, but when he sees pretty latin girls he always takes a shot at speaking Spanish. 

Definition: try to do something, attempt to do something