Private English Class with Giamo

Monday, June 22, 2020

ESL Grammar: Might and May

Forms of May and Might  


Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb 

Example: I may go to the store.  She might study French. 


Subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb 

Example I may not travel to Ghana. They might not be able to come. 


Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb 

May I go to the bathroom? Might I call you by your first name? 

Uses of May and Might 

1. These modal verbs are used to express  present or future possibilities.  I might win the game this year. She may do we really well in school this year. 

Note: One of the differences between may and might is that might is the past tense of may. 

Note: May is used to express what is possible, factual or could be factual. Might is used to express what is hypothetical, counterfactual, or remotely possible. 

May and Might Exercise 

1. If I work hard, ______________________ . 

2. If I save a lot of money, _____________________. 

3. If I drink a lot of coffee tonight, ______________ . 

4. If I eat a lot of sugar,_______________ . 

5. If I don't get enough sleep, ________________ . 

6. If I exercise regularly, _________________ . 

7. If I increase my computer skills, _________________ . 

8. If I win a lot of money, _________________ . 

9. If come late to class, __________________ . 

10. If I don't do my homework, _______________ . 

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