ESL Vocabulary Exercise
Instructions: Match the vocabulary word with the correct definition.
B. Pier 2. the action or state of being unfaithful to
a spouse or other sexual partner
C. Disconcerting 3. continue in a course of action even in
the face of difficulty
D. Revenue 4. attractive or exciting quality that makes people or things seem special
E. Vices 5. income, amount of money you make
F. Ferocious 6. savagely fierce, cruel, violent
G. Infidelity 7. a platform supported on pillars leading
out form the shore onto a body of
water, used as a landing stage for boats
H. Agonizing 8. describe as worth of disgrace or great disapproval
I. Stigmatize 9. causing great physical or mental pain
J. Persevering 10. immoral or wicked behavior
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