Private English Class with Giamo

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

ESL Phrasal Verbs: Cut

1. Cut back - reduce spending 

2. Cut down - bring down by cutting 

3. Cut off - stop providing funds to someone 

4. Cut out - to remove

5. Cut through - to deal with an issue quickly 

6. Cut in - to interrupt 

Phrasal Verb Exercise 

1. They tried to ________ the tree by using an ax. 

A. cut back | B. cut in | C. cut down 

2. He used scissors to _______ his ex girlfriend from the picture. 

A. cut off | B. cut out | C. cut through 

3. We had to go to the back of the line because no one would let us _________ . 

A. cut off | B. cut back | C. cut in 

4. She paid extra to ________ the long nightclub line. 

A. cut through | B. cut out | C. cut down 

5. His parents ________ his allowance because he was spending everything on video games. 

A. cut back | B. cut off | C. cut in 

6. The college student decided to _______ on clothes shopping in order to buy new school books 

A. cut back | B. Cut through | C. cut down 

Phrasal Verb Conversation Questions 

1. What could cut down someone's confidence? 

2. In an economic crisis do you think the government should cut off funds to the libraries? 

3. Is it possible for people today to cut out the grocery store as the middle man to food? 

4. Would you pay extra to cut through any lines at the airport? 

5. Is it common for people to cut in line in your country? 

6. What can people cut back in order to save more monthly?  

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