In the summer of 2016 I decided to leave my father’s apartment and go to Costa Rica to live near my girlfriend. I haven’t seen my father since which when I left I was expecting, but almost everything else took an unexpected turn. I broke up with my girlfriend, decided to leave Costa Rica and live in Miami, ended up being broke in Miami and almost on the verge of having nothing.
Fast forward to today and I am still in Miami, but living much more comfortably under the wing of my parents, taking film classes at Miami Dade College and working as an English teacher online. Even though I am not necessarily satisfied with my position or status in life at this point, but I can say that I am content from learning the lessons I have as I look forward at my life. More importantly from all of the drama and pain I caused myself for trying to leave the nest too soon I’ve learned to really appreciate and love my father for who he is.
Some fathers are very affectionate with their children always speaking glowingly of them and comforting them with hugs. My father is definitely not like this at all, but he does show how much he cares for me and also my brother all the time. By leading through example of working everyday, always providing for us and finding solutions in difficult times.
My most fond memory of my father is when I was in Kansas during the dead of winter and my car had gotten stuck in some snow and ice. I wasn’t in panic mode because I was in the area of my suburb, but I was befuddled as to what I should do with my car that was not moving in the snow and ice. Fortunately my dad knew exactly what to do. Due to the ice the car couldn’t be driven forward but it could be driven in reverse, so my dad drove the car all the way back home in reverse.
Through my adolescent years I felt a lot of resentment and anger for my father for various reasons. At that time I was not really able to express myself in a genuine and authentic way. However as I’ve matured and have been humbled from my mistakes I am able to understand and appreciate everything my father did for me in the past and still does for me today.